25 September 2011


Avalanche Lake in Glacier National Park

 Casey and I at McDonald Lake in Glacier National Park

Beautiful wildflowers at Glen Lake in the Bitterroots

 Glen Lake

 Hiking buddies going to Glen Lake

Fall is upon us

Once again, fall is upon us. The weather is still warm on most days, feels almost like summer sometimes, but it was officially fall a few days ago.  I absolutely love all the things that go with fall...leaves changing, chili, pumpkin everything, crisp mornings, wearing scarves, etc...you get the idea.  It just makes me happy. I try to take time every day to really soak it all in, because before we know it, it will be winter again!

The first four weeks of school have flown by! Sometimes, during the weeks I feel like I'm dragging, but looking back, it went super fast. Funny how that works out that way. Now if I can only remember that in the middle of the weeks when I feel like I am dragging! Nevertheless, school and my projects are progressing. I'm enjoying classes.  I of course miss Casey, but we are doing our best to enjoy this time in our lives.  For example, the last three nights in a row I rented a chick flick out of the Red Box and watched it in bed. Now, those are things I can't really do when Casey and live together...at least not three nights in a row! And he is enjoying working extra hours (since I'm not there to come home to), and just got back from a "guy's" trip up the Snake River.  So, we are enjoying ourselves, and for sure remembering to live each day to its fullest. But, we sure do love the weekends we get to see each other! Last weekend we went to Glacier National Park north of Missoula. It was our first time making that drive, and it was absolutely beautiful.  Flathead Lake on the way up was magnificent, and huge! It is the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River.  We stayed the night in Kalispell and ate a lovely dinner at a downtown restaurant.  Then Saturday in GNP we went on a short 2 mile hike in to Avalanche Lake, which was beautiful! This weekend I am planning on driving to Clarkston, and we have a quick trip to Joseph planned. I love the fall in Joseph, too, so I am excited to see it one more time before the winter snow falls. And, hopefully we will make it down to the Wallowa River Camp to check out what it will look like this time of year next year...on our wedding day!

That reminds me, just a few days ago we passed the "one year away" mark for our big day! I can't believe it! We have already been engaged six months...12 more months to go. It will be here before I know it, seriously. Luckily, most of the "big" planning is done: location, caterer, dress, etc.  Still some things, but we have a pretty good idea about everything else!

Today I went on a 3 mile hike to a lake in the Bitterroot Wilderness southeast of Missoula. That was also beautiful, and my grad school buddies and I had a great time. They sure were going at a fast pace, though! But very beautiful and perfect weather for a nice little hike. 

Back to my review of literature for my professional paper (I switched from a thesis to a professional paper).  It is so close to being done, I can't wait! Just a few more sections and a little more reorganization, and I will be ready to e-mail that bad boy to my committee chair!

02 September 2011


On a brighter note, Casey and I had lovely engagement photos done by Josh Whiting Photography in Pullman, so I thought I would share a couple of our favorites!

Suck it Up

Sometimes you have just got to suck it up and do it. I keep telling myself I'd rather be in Clarkston, blah, blah, blah. But honestly, if I was in Clarkston, I would probably be telling myself I'd rather be in Missoula. I suppose that is just the way the mind works. So, I just need to suck it up, and get crackin' on my thesis! It will be a tough road, and I am sure that I will want to give up more than once. But, it will all be worth it in the end, and I will learn so much about myself, life, and helping others along the way. UGH, why is it so hard to just suck it up and do it sometimes?!