29 December 2011

Part 4

Here it is...the gap between Part 3 and Part 4 of this graduate school adventure. A lull. Feels so strange. I have forgotten what it is like to have little to do. I feel so lazy! There are little things I could be doing to prepare for Part 4, but right now I am enjoying laziness. I am reading books for fun, watching movies, cooking, baking, snuggling with June...ahh. It does get boring, but sometimes it is nice to just be "bored."

Part 4 will come and go like the crack of a whip. At least that is how Part 3 seemed to go.  Fall semester was a whirlwind...but I guess I said that about the first two semesters as well.

I look forward to this semester: an internship, one course on campus (Ethics with my favorite, Dr. Burns), one course online (Epidemiology...should be interesting to say the least), and my professional paper project (the infamous mentor walking program for homeless women). Mix in a few TA and RA responsibilities and its bound to be a wild 15 weeks. Can you believe that...15 WEEKS?! Is that really it?! Holy smokes. Then its off to the "real world" (as if I haven't been in the "real world") where I get a job, Casey and I wake up, go to work, come home eat dinner and sleep then do it all again. Sometimes that sounds very appealing, other times it doesn't.  But, it is our life, our adventure, and it, too, will be a "wild ride."

For now, I am enjoying the lull. And I will continue to do so until I head back east (to Montana) in a few weeks.

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