23 February 2010

Loaded choices.

There are so many loaded choices that lie ahead of me in this journey I call life. And by loaded, I mean that the decisions that I make at each fork in the road will affect all aspects of my life, will impact many people, and will influence future decisions I have to make.  The fact that there are so many that lie ahead is both frightening, and exhilarating.  I am excited for what is to come, and love looking at the various possibilities, but at the same time, one wrong move could affect the rest of my life.  Choose wisely, I guess!

What to do this weekend, where to do my summer internship, which graduate school program to attend, where to own a house, which job to take, who to marry, when to have children and so on and so forth are some of the many loaded choices that I foresee in the future.  All I can do is live my life, do what makes me happy, and the rest is up to fate, God, and humanity.


  1. oh, the planner in you. and you won't... can't... make any wrong choices. not only is it not in your nature to make poor choices, but you naturally make the best out of every situation. you can trust yourself that whatever decision you make will be right.

  2. is there such a thing as a "wrong move?"

  3. That question has 2 answers: In the grand scheme of things: no, there aren't any wrong moves. In my eyes: yes, there certainly are. I have broad vision of what I want in my life, and if a move that I make today or tomorrow affects that vision, then I would consider it "wrong." I'm not saying life won't go on or my life is ruined-it's just wrong for that vision, and my vision will be altered accordingly!
