20 November 2010


sources of motivation.  I'm constantly reminded that I unfortunately have very little internal motivation.  I rely almost solely on external motivating factors.  Why is this? I don't know. If I had the answer, I would surely change it.  I spent weeks attempting to write and work on a twenty page research paper, with little success.  As soon as the weekend came and I knew I had to finish it in order to enjoy my Thanksgiving holiday and to have my amazing mother proof-read it for me.  So, wha-la! After a few hours cozied up in my warm bed with my laptop, numerous journal articles, and a nonfat white chocolate mocha (yes, despite the horrible weather conditions [see below] I ventured out to acquire my necessary caffeine fix) nearby, my rough draft is miraculously (almost) finished.  

I've tried faking external sources of motivation like telling myself last week that I had to get it done in order to enjoy the weekend with my friends in Spokane...but somehow my brain knew that I would still have a great guilt-free weekend even if I did not get a single sentence written on that paper.  How does it do that?!?!

Nevertheless, it is what it is.  I will continue to try to find internal motivation (I don't know how much longer I will get by with such low levels :/), I will enjoy my Thanksgiving holiday, and my mom will graciously proof-read my research paper.

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