20 November 2010


With Thanksgiving a little less than a week away, I am reminded more than ever to count my blessings and to be thankful.  While I strive to take less for granted on a daily basis, it is hard to be faithful about this practice.  So first of all, I am thankful for holidays such as Thanksgiving that encourage us to remember to count our blessings, to be thankful, and to take less for granted (because we all need a little help now and then...) So here it is, my list of what I am thankful for, Thanksgiving 2010:

1. My health. Common answer for a Community Health graduate student, perhaps. But nevertheless, so true.  Without my health, I would not be who I am today.  Encompassed with the idea of health comes access, education, safety, security, belonging, ability, confidence and many others...for all of these, I am thankful, grateful, and blessed.

2. My family.  Without them I would not be here-literally, emotionally, mentally, socially, physically. Period. Love them to death.

3.  My Casey.  I thank him weekly (should be daily) for being by my side as we go through this journey called life.  Without him, I don't think I would have found myself yet.

4. My friends. Good friends, bad friends, new friends, old friends, long-time friends, short-lived friends...you all have made me who I am.  Thank-you for making a presence in my life.  You have given strength, wisdom, humor, humility, esteem and beauty-tips that I will carry with me the rest of my life.

5. My laptop.  This gives me connection to the outside world when I am spending endless hours in my bedroom doing homework, or simply being a hermit.

Probably a cliche "I am thankful for..." list, but it is mine.  I know I left off countless blessings, things to be thankful for, and things I take for granted, and to them, I am sorry.  Perhaps next year you'll make the official list, but you will always be in my heart, and I will always be grateful.

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